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Life begins at 40, or does it???
For those of us who have reached the age of 40 or plus I’d like to take you back to the olden days, you were born in the 60’s the days of the old pounds shillings and pennies.
I was around 10 when the government gave us no choice about decimalisation and took 240 old pennies and made them into 100 new pence, and again recently the same with the euro, at both times even though we had no choice, I didn’t seem to meet anyone happy with the change. But still we had NO choice.
In France I still hear people talking in Francs even after 10 years, the same back in the 70’s the older generation were still converting and thinking in old money for 10 years after.
The realistic jump in overnight in inflation despite the governments figures of a little under 5% were in my opinion close to 25 or 30% when all taken into consideration.
Back in those days, the mid to late 60’s we watched moon landings on old black and white TV’s and took the odd Sunday afternoon out if our parents could afford it in the old Mk1 Cortina or the like.
Those were the days!!!
Or were they?
How many of you remember being allowed to smoke on public transport or at the cinema?
How many of you have travelled on aeroplanes recently where the seat armrests still had ashtrays in them???
It seems to me that those aeroplanes still having ashtrays in their seat arm rests are upwards of over 30 years old and some even older.
I am not familiar with the rules and regs of the aviation industry but obviously if these planes are still in service then they must be deemed airworthy.
My point in this is simple.
If aeroplanes could be built in the 60’s and still look and perform like new today then why couldn’t the same philosophy be applied to all other things, Yes, we still see the odd car on the road from the 60’s but very rare, normally vintage car rallies or shows are a great place to re-kindle those by-gone memories.
One could reminisce all day long about days past and how things used to be but unfortunately nothing will change progress.
Most of you of you out there including me will think things have changed for the better, where would I be without my mobile phone, or 50inch HD telly and Sky box, my laptop, the reliability of my almost new car, I totally agree, technology has come a long way in such a short time.
It’s all True, life can be great for those living with a reasonable salary, getting away to sunny climes a couple of times a year and the holiday snaps to prove it, change the car every couple of years for the newer model, for those of us Married quite young the off springs having fled the nest and are making their own way in life, all things ticking over smoothly.
For those taking out a private health plan and retirement what could be better???
Freedom of time, a good salary, security of a health plan and money accumulating for your old age.
Sorry!!!! But I really don’t want to burst your bubble, that isn’t my intension, but being a realist and looking at today’s statistics it’s very likely that a large % of us including me will develop some kind of illness in the next 20 to 25 years, you might think what a load of old cobblers, people are living a lot longer these days than ever before, that’s proven, life expectancy is far higher now these days.
We’re living in 2010 not back in the dark ages, this is true but have you taken a good look around you, people are dropping off like flies, how many times have you heard “Oh Mr Smith from no 11 is dead, died sudden, took into the hospital Friday night died early Saturday morning, only 42, heart attack” or “Mrs Jones has passed on, she’d been ill for a while, she was only diagnosed 2 or 3 months ago, cancer you know, went right through her” “poor woman only 53”
So much for their retirement plan or so called health plan, FACE IT there’s only so much the modern medical health system can do!!!
But I’m fit; never better, strong as an ox, so was Mr Smith and Mrs Jones!!!
Look, I’m not trying to be a scaremonger, I am speaking from experience, take a look at my other blog http://heartcare4life.blogspot.com/ this is what I’ve gone through,
Being in my prime at 47, kids grown up, money in the bank, new car in the drive means nothing if your health has gone, I have a life of frequent Doctors visits, check ups with my cardiolog and a bucket load of pills every day, Yes I’m still alive, but my quality of life isn’t like it was or could have been.
Every day there are thousands of people worldwide going through the same medical procedures as I went through.
Talk to them!!!
Ask them, were they worried?
Did they enjoy the experience?
Do they feel the same now as before?
But the most important question is, If you new this was going to happen would you have changed your life style in order to try and prevent what happened?
A life of Smoking, eating what I wanted when I wanted, No I never abused alcohol but I did like the odd drink.
I remember at the age of 15 leaning against a bus shelter toking deep on a tip less cigarette (looking like the big guy) a bloke mid 40’s saying to me, “ them things will kill you, give em up” I remember thinking!!! “Ah, what does he know, old codger”.
Heart disease, Cancer and Stroke are the three leading causes of death in America and Europe.
Of course we all have to die of something one day but given the choice all of us would prefer to perspone that day for as long as possible.
What can I do? I hear you say, I pay my private health insurance if anything happens I’ll get the best possible care, possibly so, but these people are Doctors not GOD they cant perform miracles.
Why has society stereotyped us into thinking we can buy ourselves out of any situation?
The BEST attitude to develop is prevention is better than cure!!!
Ok that inevitable day will arrive; you will die one day but why not stop now and take a look at making that day as far in the future as possible and still keep a reasonable quality of life.
Life is full of regrets; I wish I ‘d gone for the next model up when buying that car!!!
I wish I’d listened to my Mum when she said ******.
Those kinds of regrets are nothing in comparison to your health;
Earlier in this article I made the point of mentioning 30 to 35 year old aeroplanes, cars now come with up to 7 year warrantees, the fact is the manufacturers could make cars to last like aeroplanes, but that wouldn’t be good for business, they’d never sell another car, they’d go out of business.
Governments are also businesses.
Now at this point, I want to make clear the next part of this article is only MY OPINION, which indecently I believe I’m entitled to.
I’ve noticed when in hospital recently the Doctors seem to want to get you up and out as quickly as possible, presumably to make way for others.
I’ve noticed waiting lists for certain non life threatening conditions have grown, I’ve noticed that Generic medications (the cheaper) versions are being given in place of the more expensive medications where available, (not to say that they are less effective but just cheaper).
I’ve noticed that newly built hospital extensions remain closed due to lack of funding.
It seems to me that the National Health Service is struggling, yet if your prepared to dig deep into your pocket and go private or have excellent private medical cover you’ll be given preferential treatment.
Thus saying to me The Health Service is a business.
Ok so you’ve been working for 20 plus years and by the time you get to retirement age possibly over 40, a long time, you’ve paid your taxes and obligatory contributions, now its time to sit back and enjoy the rest of your life.
The fact is you’ve now outlived your usefulness; you’ve now become a burden to the government!!!
Anyone on benefits, like invalidity, long term sickness, retired are a burden to the government, a liability, unfortunately an unavoidable liability but never the less a liability.
If you were running a business would you want to keep a liability???
Its my opinion that there are well kept secrets with regard to modern health and things that the Government and in some cases Doctors don’t want us to know about, its my opinion we are kept going just long enough to be viable, things wear out including humans, when something wears out we try to fix it to the point of getting the final use out of it, after it no longer becomes viable or becomes a liability we throw it away.
I believe where the Governments are concerned we are kept and treated like any of us would keep a domestic animal, just given enough chain to keep us happy but yet under control.
Told what to do, when to do it and how to do it!!!
I say sod the Governments, live as long as you can, become a burden, claim your rights. Live to a ripe old age.
If you’ve read my other blog http://heartcare4life.blogspot.com/ you’ll probably see that by my story I don’t feel like I will make it to that ripe old age, maybe my story in itself is enough for you to do something before its to late but if my story doesn’t give you enough incentive at least let this blog and your own self preservational instincts give you the incentive to want to live as long as possible.
The answer is in EDUCATION and putting into practice what you learn..
No you don’t need to go back to school, or become a Doctor the hard work has been taken out of it for you.
Non-Stereotypical or non-conformers have done the research for you, they’ve rebelled against what they’ve been stereotyped into believing and gone in search of what they consider to be the answers.
Despite the Billions spent every year in medical research, Incidentally quite often supported by charities, I firmly believe the answer partially revolves around alternative medication and practices.
I’ll give you just one small example, something I’m sure you’ve never heard of or read about before, but it works, so you’ve got a bad stomach and a good dose of the trots, been on the toilet half of the night, and doubled up in the bed in between toilet visits, sound familiar?
Take a small clove of pealed Garlic heat it on a spoon over preferably a gas flame, not to hot but just bearable to use as a suppository.
Works within a few minutes saves a trip to the Doctor or Pharmacy and saves you a few bob in non-reimbursable or payable prescription medication.
Another example I have a very good friend, she has had Multiple Sclerosis since the age of 17, now in her late 40’s, she has good days and bad ones, Now don’t get me wrong here, I DO NOT advocate the use of illegal substances or drugs in any way shape or form, but she swears by a simple remedy, A herbal tea as she calls it, contains Maruanaya leafs OK, but the difference in her is phenomenal.
Her Doctor on the QT gave her the advice, but for obvious ethical reasons could never admit to it.
But doesn’t that go toward proving my point, the Doctors know things we don’t but keep them secret, in this case for obvious reasons but what about other situations.
I’ve made the point of listing some of the downloadable e-books in this blog, of course there not free, but then what is these days?
They all contain advice from Educated members of Society, some former Heart Surgeons or Doctors etc, they all give a 100% Guarantee of satisfaction and a 100% money back Guarantee.
There’s no obligation to buy however It’s my opinion you cant put a price on health, in fact I wish I’d come across some of these books before I got into difficulty with my health, maybe I could have prevented my situation.
For less than the price of a specialised consultation these books give advice on health issues preventions and cures in alternative ways, not knocking today’s modern medicine, I wouldn’t be here only for it, however I firmly believe if I’d taken the advice of these publications I wouldn’t be in the situation I am now or possibly could have prevented what happened to me.
Finally I recommend you take the time out to do a small bit of research on cholesterol, stress, diet, and most of all the effects of Smoking.
I’m not going to recommend a site or sites for the simple reason that most sites not only tell you what these thing are, but also how to reduce them, or in the case of Smoking, STOP.
Most of the sites I’ve searched shows contradictions in the research and conclusions, the fact is cholesterol, stress, diet, and most of all the effects of Smoking are all part of the major contributory factors in Heart Disease, Stroke and Cancer, the 3 top killers in America and Europe, the e-books listed are written by experts, that’s why I’m recommending them, not only that but if your not 100% satisfied you get your money back so How can you lose?
I have listed only a few of the books available for the treatment of various different types of Cancer and Heart Disease there are hundreds of books available, each promoting their own types of cures and preventions, Please let me know if you haven't found what you are looking for, I will do further research on your particular type of ailment, whether it be Haemorrhoids, Kidney or Liver problems, Etc Etc, the availability of publications are literally limitless.
I really do want to help, contact me by e-mail or post a comment and I’ll get back to you, Promise !!!
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